Is Your Child Safe?
In a few days, the school year is about to start. You may have prepared your child with his everyday school needs like bag, pencils, notebooks, etc. however, is he prepared to face other kids, especially digger ones? The first day of school maybe exciting for kids but in some cases, it's not exiting for kids who get intimidated by others.
While bullying is more rampant in other countries, Filipino students have their share of cruel jokes, teases, and intimidation given to them by those who are bigger. Many Filipino students may either experience bullying actions or witness themĀ- either way will this affect their school environment.
Bullying affects both the victim and the perpetrator. The victim may feel unsecured in an environment where he would likely stay for years. He might find it hard to trust to anyone and will expect the same kind of intimidation from others therefore making him more isolated from other kids his own age.
On the other hand,, the bully will most likely develop a habit of getting everything he wants through intimidation. He will also develop a bad sense of judgment and uses bullying to cover up his own insecurities.
On the other hand, bully will affect a child's maturity and hi will likely despise his childhood days when he grows older. As a parent, here's how you can prevent your child from becoming a victim of bulling.
A child who is bullied by others may be bound to secrecy-he might not tell you what's happening to him at school because he is either of you criticizing him for being weak or you intervening with the school authorities or the bully's parents. Here's how to tell if your child is being bullied:
Lack of interest in school work and sports activities
Failing grades
Unexplained injuries
Torn cloth
Missing belongings
Repeated request for money (this might mean that the bully is taking his lunch money)
Your child comes home hungry even if he brought lunch to school.
If you suspect that some thing is going on with your child, try to talk him first. Ask if there is some thing bothering him at school. If he decides to tell you, make sure that you listen only. Do not pass any comments or interruptions while he talks. If he refuse to talk and you feel that there is some thing going on, contact his teacher immediately.
There are way's to avoid bullies. Help your child by assisting him on developing a good sense of confidence- good posture, eye contact, and a strong, firm voice. Tell your child not to obey any of the bully's command and avoid isolated places where there less students. Most importantly, it's a good idea to hang out with a group.
Enrolling your child in a martial arts classes is also a good idea. Some martial arts instructor teach how to use alternative measures without having to resort to violence. Usually, there are self-defense classes that will teach child how to get out of a situation without getting into trouble himself.
Use humor- say something smart and funny as a comeback to something men said by the bully.
Self-respect- teach your child to regain confidence on his own. A silent pep talk will keep his esteem up and he will be likely less affected with the cruel things that the bully said.
Encourage your child to make friends- You can do this by asking about his friends, inviting them over for snacks and movies, and by teaching your child proper friendship ethics.
Never encourage him to fight back physically- especially if your child is smaller than the bully.
alert the teachers and get them to impose a distance between the bully and your child.
Talk to the bully's parent about what they're child is doing to yours.
Never confront the bully yourself or you'll also be a bully.
Listen to your child and qassert to him he is not what the bully says he is.
Teach him self-confidence
Teach him to hold a deaf ear to insults targeted towards his family or friends.
It isn't true that all bullies are products of dysfunctional home. Some bullies are were probably just influence by his friends. That's why you have to be more involved with your child's activities.
Find out if your child is a leader or a member of a group of bullies- if he's the leader, discourage bullying by protecting the victim. If he's a member, prohibit him from being with his friends.
Prohibit you child to go near the victim
Cooperate with the teachers and school authorities
Talk to your child about unnecessary violence and cruelty
Try to understand his side as well
If still bullies others ofter you have tried everything, be stricter with hi and watch his actions more closely. Tell hi that you'll be guarding him closely until his decides to give up bullying for good.
If all else fails, seek help from a professional who specializes in child anger management.